Design of Engineering Materials


1. Basic knowledge in disciplines such as materials science, mechanics of materials, manufacturing technology, processing and recycling of materials, design and examination methods of structure and properties of materials

2. Skills in the usage of technical data and specialized computer software.

3. Skills in collaboration with other users of engineering materials and specialists in the fields of design, manufacturing, processing, and application of materials.


1. Obtaining skills in the design of chemical composition and structure of engineering materials to produce products with desired mechanical and operational properties.

C2. Obtaining the skills in materials selection for technical applications)

C3. Obtaining the skills in failure analysis of materials and design of repair processes for improvement of products durability.

C4. Acquisition of basic knowledge in the development of scientific expertise.

Artificial intelligence in engineering.

The course will cover the following topics:

  • Basic Terminology
  • Basic types of neural networks and machine learning
  • History of AI development
  • Techniques of network preparation, implementation, and testing
  • Application of neural networks in the work of an engineer

Additionally, as part of practical exercises in the classroom:

  • We will create our first intelligent system
  • We will teach the computer to recognize handwritten numbers
  • Wi will create an intelligent form of artificial life, whose task will be to win the game "Snake"
  • We will implement the memory function and we will predict the future based on the past
  • and many others

Lecture: Professor Jan Bień
Laboratory classes: Assistant Aleksander Mróz


• mail:

• +48 888855075
• WhatsApp
• Moodle platform supported by Zoom
• room 120 building D-2